valiant thor documentary

Valiant Thor On March 16, 1957, a strange craft landed in a farmer's field in Alexandria, Virginia. This unique edition features a newly updated introduction by Valiant Thor, an epilogue by Dr. Ogden Pearl, a note from editor Andy Colvin, and two inspiring interviews with Dr. Frank E. Stranges (Thor's contact on Earth), which shed urgent, much-needed light on riddles such as: UFO abductions, manmade saucers, "alien" healing, antigravity, the Contents 1 Arrival 2 Venusian Then a tall man stepped out. His IQ level was 1200 points, which is hundreds of times higher than the average persons level of intelligence. He claimed a former member named Lloyd Blair had stolen a woman's car and swindled her out of some money, an incident that would seem to be of no concern to the FBI, and certainly not Hall's business to report to them. Hour 1 MP3 12-29-17.. They offered earthlings access to new technologies and help in spiritual development in exchange for stopping the production of nuclear weapons. Thor could take apart the structure of his body at the molecular level and assemble it elsewhere. Police officers patrolling the area were the first to find him. The agreement deals with the return to the people of Earth of their freedom and sets in motion the removal and replacement of enslavement systems. Become Thor, the mighty God of Thunder, in this official action-adventure game! According to the 2001 book Stranger at the Pentagon by Dr. Frank E. Stranges, on March 16, 1957, a person identifying themselves as "Valiant Thor" came forward claiming to be a visitor from the planet Venus. 1.2.3 (12350) . Watch in SD. 1.2.3 (12350) . Disclaimer:All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. NICAP canceled his membership, returned his fee, and has disavowed any approval of his UFO claims We have heard 7.7 is being offered for TV use, and we have informed network heads of the facts. This incident is just one example of a UFOsighting researched by Dr. Stranges, a UFOexpert and conspiracy theorist who started the "National Investigations Committee on UFOs" in 1964. Records on can't really confirm or disprove the possibility that Admiral Byrd had a nephew by this name, but his story requires that he would have held a senior role at Project Blue Book with top security clearance and over a year of training behind him, all by the age of 18. 4 Mar 2023. The Sovereignty of all life and earths inhabitants are respected and All is Well. He claimed to be the Assistant Deputy Director of the California State Marshal Association, which does not exist. Important Message from Commander Valiant Thor of the Galactic Federation of Light, (Reader: GK) I Wrote this as a Brief Summary, Please Read. Stranges." He vowed his audiences by speaking any language known to man, including dialects. During the month of October, there can be a number of events that the mainstream media may portray as dangerous or frightening. Skeptoid Media, All content is Skeptoid Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Strange was obviously not not fully up to date on the 1960s observations of Venus. News segment guests: Catherine Austin Fitts, Steve Kates, Live Nightly 1am - 5am EST / 10pm - 2am PST, The Autobiography of an ExtraTerrestrial Saga: I AM Thyron, Sign up for our free CoastZone e-newsletter, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. He requested that he might speak with President Eisenhower. Please know that these events will serve as a light to help more people understand that significant change is necessary, desirable and will support all of Life. We will provide additional information as events unfold. Did he was rescued or not? Stranges, F. The Stranger at the Pentagon. Byrd doesn't provide a detailed account of what was discussed in the meeting between Eisenhower, Nixon, and the extraterrestrial, though he does say the discussion covered "the world's problems" and offered solutions forthem. These photos are widely available online, but other than the photographer's name being given as August C. Robert, I was able to find no information about them whatsoever. )In the early days of flying saucer contact reports, Venus was one of the popular places of origin and Mark may have sought to explain why so many came from such an inhospitable planet. American Horror Story: Who Is Valiant Thor in Double Feature? 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. , 2023 Skeptoid Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Rendlesham Forest 1980 Pt II - Will There Be An Answer? We do what we can to propose the same . By what name was Stranger at the Pentagon (2013) officially released in Canada in English? In Dr. Stranges's account of the meeting with Valiant Thor, the extraterrestrial messenger offers a message very much in line with Stranges's evangelical beliefs. Earlier, retired Air Force photographer August Roberts took images of three beings at contactee Howard Menger's home, whom he believed were "space people," including Valiant Thor, who was said to have no palm prints. Excellent condition. Those of you who looked forward to these events are called upon to assist those who may find this information new and surprising. From the popular book "Stranger at the Pentagon" by Dr. Frank E. Stranges. Stranges said they were taken a month after Val's arrival, at an informal UFO gathering at the High Bridge, New Jersey farm of Howard Menger, a sign painter who claimed to be a lifelong alien abductee. In their "review" of Stranges' 1965 documentary film Phenomena 7.7 about the famous Lonnie Zamora UFO case, Hall wrote: But this is not the worst. Stranges describes meeting Thor at the Pentagon that winter. His blood vessels are larger and carry hemocyanin-based blood. Winner of Best Sci-Fi Short Film at the Burbank International Film Festival in 2014. Information on how these changes impact state elections will be provided during broadcast information briefings. For example, the Men in Black franchise riffed on Thor's lack of fingerprints by having the fingerprints of their various agents permanently removed. In his later years he began also claiming a Ph.D in Criminology from the National Institute of Criminology in Washington, D.C., but there is no such institution. The book Stranger at the Pentagon by Frank Stranges, in support of Harley Andrew Byrd, gives a UFO account of Thor being a Venusian. This is the story of Valiant Thor.If you don't know this one, hold on tight. website builder. Federal Bureau of Investigation, 6 Dec. 2010. Inspired by true events of Valiant Thor and President Eisenhower in 1957. top of page. No More Secrets - Teach Your Children To Tell On Pervs. We are also focused on disclosing extraterrestrial contact and humanitys lost ancient origins. DecadesbeforeStranger in the Pentagonwas published, Stranges foundedInternational Evangelism Crusades, a "worldwide ministerial association" in 1959, the same year he would claim to meet Valiant Thor. thanks for posting it. This alien Stranger At The Pentagon is a short-film by Craig Campobasso. Become Thor, the God of Thunder, in this official action-adventure game based on Marvel's Thor: The Dark World . Adam Milat-Meyer, 22 Nov. 2013. John Allison. There will likely be more to learn about Valiant Thor in the AHS: Double Feature season finale, and whatever the show reveals about him will undoubtedly have more than the writer's imagination to back it up. He stopped to wait for the police to arrive. NOTE: This game requires 1.6 GB of free storage . Strange, Thor was about 180 cm tall and about 85 kg in weight. His skin was tanned, and his brown hair was slightly curled. In 1959, Stranges said he met a woman from the Pentagon who introduced him to Valiant Thor. The failure that he met with is now meeting with resistance by people today who realise that what he proposed was correct. He had the ability to appear and disappear at will. After that, Thor got very angry. But, in fact, very few people believed in Phils words. Latest Version. Commander Valiant Thor is a benevolent E.T who was sent by the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Council of Five to Terra (Earth) in the past and met with many country leaders one of them was the 34th U.S. President of the U.S.A Dwight D. Eisenhower advising him and some other leaders from the coming danger which was plotted by malevolent So, we repeat, Valiant Thor was a human from a planet in a distant galaxy who tried to stop the arms race that was and is taking place on Earth and proposed a different way of living. Before the scientists death, 11 of his friends died under the same mysterious circumstances. Podcast transcript | Subscribe. Become Thor, the God of Thunder, in this official action-adventure game based on Marvel's Thor: The Dark World theatrical film! Valiant Thor assures Stranges that the people of Venus see the Judaeo-Christian God and Jesus Christ as the primary deities in the universe. [1], The policeman took Thor to the Pentagon where he eventually spoke with Eisenhower, the Secretary of Defense, and other joint chiefs. One listener wrote: [Harley Byrd] talks nonsense, makes all manner of bizarre claims about greys, sasquatch, Aryans, and other alien types, and assiduously commercializes the whole for profit Harley Byrd is actually a huckster [who] merely poses as Byrd's grandson to sell these bogus diaries. Please contact us with any corrections or feedback. It's hard to make a judgement about Hall's motivation based on just two cases of snitching, but it's possible he was simply trying to discredit former members of the organization. Valiant Thor. American Horror Story 's Double Feature plotline delved deep into UFO lore in its tale of a dark deal between President Eisenhower and a race of beings from outer space. In "Blue Moon," Thor appears in 1957, casually brushing aside White House security's every effort to contain him. HD . He met with President Eisenhower, as well as the vice-president at the time, Richard Nixon, to warn something. Representatives of other worlds often turn to him for help. (Reader: Michael) Joe Biden Body Doubles? The two became fast friends and spent much time together, during which Stranges learned Val's whole story. One of the strangest accounts of a UFO-related incident occurred in 1957. NOTE: This game requires 1.6 GB of free storage . I searched and didn't find anything. We also have a thick file of letters from Dr. Stranges, or about him, which are not cited in the enclosed report. It helps to find solutions to their problems. Trending. Valiant Thor suggested I set up the event Stranger at the Pentagon with Hollywood film producer, friend of Dr. Frank Stranges, and producer of the film, Craig Campobasso. Rev. by. Valiant Thor, the extraterrestrial who lived and advised at the Pentagon for three years in the 1950s. Dr. Frank Stranges recounts his adventures with Valiant Thor while at the pentagon in this classic lecture! 7 May. 14 May 2019. To download this lesson, please click on the link below: Copyright 2023 : She counts herself part of the "disclosure" movement among UFOlogists who believe the government is withholding evidence of aliens. --------------------------------------------. Indistinguible a simple vista. Ostatnia Wersja. Thor includes a chart showing the genealogy of the Antichrist, as well as speculation about whether the Antichrist is alive today, and who it might be. Years later, Uhtred is a valiant warrior who is dealt another tragic b. Thus began Thor's mystery. Their aims and our aims are the same. File Count 1. According to Byrd's account, after first meeting with the Undersecretary of Defense at the Pentagon, Valiant Thor, (or "Vai Thor" as Byrd refers to him), is then taken via an underground tunnel to a meeting with President Eisenhower and VicePresident Richard Nixon. May 14, 2019 TA: So is there a depression there, sort of like a crop circle depression? Then, he told Stranges his true reason for coming to Earth: to bring humanity closer to God. Web. But Phil assured his audience that he was well acquainted with many of the governments secret projects. Who was Valiant Thor? In fact, he was a being from a distant star system, outside of our galaxy, where a similar experiment to that made on earth was effected. Who was/is Commander Valiant Thor? Celebs. 2019. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. Today we're going to look at the facts of the story and the context in which it was told, and see if we can conclude whether Valiant Thor truly did visit the Earth. He says that Commander Valiant Thor ( Thor Han Eredyon) is also known as 'The Father', 'God', 'Jaba', or 'Anu' who lives in the hollow interior of Venus. Stranges explained to host Tracie Austin on the Let's Talk Paranormal radio program why you wouldn't be able to find it: FS: Now it's surrounded by a force field, and the only way you could possibly find that ship is if you look for a circle of dead insects, but the wind would probably drive them away by the time you got there. Description Attached Files. California has no state marshals. Thor has come to lend aid to humanity, only the military industrial complex and the shadow government want his advanced technology and will use any means to get it. His facial features seem exaggerated and cartoonish.. Also there is distortion in the picture, which means that everything in the middle becomes relatively smaller compared with the things near the edges Anomaly101 7.07K subscribers Subscribe 31K views 11 months ago In 1957, an extraterrestrial named Valiant Thor allegedly landed near Washington D.C. demanding to speak. Based on his background, numerous addresses and organizations which he has had and the fact that he claims to have talked to an individual from the planet Venus, it appears that he may also be something of a confidence man. Valiant Thor: The Stranger from Venus at the Pentagon. I say get the frack off my planet. Thor has come to lend aid to humanity, only the military industrial complex and the shadow government want his advanced technology and will use any means to get it. Aterriz en nuestro mundo el 16 de marzo de 1957 en Virginia, EEUU. NOTE: This game requires 1.6 GB of free storage . If you like this programming, please become a member. The files include some internal communication in which the San Francisco FBI office was advised to find Stranges and "admonish him against implying that he is or has been connected with the FBI." Valiant Thor claimed other planets in the Solar System were home to similar civilizationsand that Earth was the only planet where most people lived above ground. (Cassidy Interview 3. He smiled at the stunned officers and actually waved hello.Before the policemen could say a word, the stranger said, in clear English: \"I need to see the president.\"Nine months after this event, NASA was founded.This is the story of what happened in-between. FanFix December 03, 2022 1623. Valiant Thor: The Stranger from Venus at the Pentagon, a documentary movie is available to stream now. Sci-Fi B-movies of alien invasions and little green men from Mars permeated the public consciousness. His objective was to voice concerns of the "High Council" over the way humanity was evolving in particular its apparent lust for nuclear weaponry. Fern, who cut his teeth on American Horror Story playing the Antichrist in Apocalypse, brings the requisite poisonous charm to the part. given). I can't wait to hear what the other members think. Important Message From Commander Valiant Thor of the GFL. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. Short Biography Drama Universal envoy Valiant Thor meets with President Eisenhower in 1957 and is put on VIP status for 3 years. If you wish to contact the author of this article. Please consider the needs of others who may experience difficulties in this situation. According to Thor, Venusians live inside Venus. In July 2016, filmmaker Craig Campobasso appeared on The History Channel's Ancient Aliens. Science fiction fans among will you immediately recognize this as the plot of the 1951 movie The Day the Earth Stood Still. He came to Earth in order to deal with the problem of increasing the stocks of nuclear weapons, which in the event of war can lead to a catastrophe of universal scale. 1.2.3 (12350) . The Saucers That Time Forgot. Shaw views the Torah Codes as a kind of sealed encryption that was meant to be discovered in the modern era. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Gets Laughed At During New Delhi Conference. There are several unaccredited universities with similar names overseas, but none of them offer Ph.Ds at all. We usually have conversations with Thor Han, Annax or Myrah, but this time we arranged to do things a little bit differently: by holographic transmission. Thor was said to meet with Pres. He also had a huge but light heart, and instead of blood, copper oxide. The brutal arc of Jane Foster throughout the film no longer feels undercut at every possible turn (particularly as death is elsewhere treated as something reversable and comic in the original cut of the movie -- looking at you, Korg). However, of the charge that he'd been impersonating an FBI agent, they found: During the investigation no one was located who had actually heard Dr. Stranges make any such allegation although it was generally conceded that he had left a number of people with such an impression. When he went on Art Bell's Coast to Coast AM radio show in 1995 it went south very quickly. The following is a list of notable film director and cinematographer collaborations. They've been keeping a close eye on us since we used . This content community relies on user-generated content from our member contributors. Supernatural with Ashley Flowers. Valiant Thor has no belly button nor fingerprints. Then the head of state granted Thor a special VIP status for a period of 3 years. Directors Craig Campobasso Starring Season 10, Episode 9, "Blue Moon" goes deeper than ever, including references to a number of well-known urban legends, such as Area 51 and the appearance of "Greys" with enlarged heads and giant black eyes. Stranger at the Pentagon had exactly two people who have corroborated its contents: Harley Andrew Byrd who wrote the book's foreword, a self-described Project Blue Book investigator and nephew of Admiral Richard Byrd; and Laura Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of the president who worked with Valiant. Former American President Dwight D. Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens, a former US government consultant has claimed. Dr. Frank Stranges wasn't just a self-proclaimed UFOexpert and private investigator - he was also an evangelical Christian minister, and the different areas of his life often overlapped. NICUFO. National Investigations Committee on Unidentified Flying Objects, 4 Aug. 2004. Definitive stories vary, like many urban legends, but the basic assertions come from a book called The Stranger at the Pentagon by Frank E. Stranges. Thor's spaceship "Victor One" is 300 ft. in diameter and stationed at Lake Mead, Campobasso recounted. He appears to be an artificial creation of some kind, even opening the top of his head to reveal alien technology working beneath it. . Lastly, we will also say that Valiant Thor was not his real name but his name is of no importance. Eddie says that he is the third of 33 of Val's children on Earth who were born on January 8, 1953. Valiant Thor, l'Extraterrestre qui a secrtement travaill pour le Gouvernement US ? In 1962, NICAP's secretary, Richard Hall, wrote to J. Edgar Hoover the following: Enclosed is a report prepared by this committee on Dr. Stranges which may be of interest. In it, Valiant Thor was supposedly from Venus. He then reportedly spent the next three years on Earth meeting with various high-level officials around the country. Want to Read. Add The Paranoia Channel. Message from the intergalactic confederation Val Thor Starting at midnight EST on October 30th, a 10-14 day period without communication systems will begin October 15, 2022,, ______________________________________________________. The story of Valiant Thor did not exist until 1967, when it was revealed to the world in the book Stranger at the Pentagon by the Rev. In Stranger at the Pentagon, he wrote that he was concluding a sermon one day when a mysterious woman showed up and invited him to the Pentagon. Valiant Thor appears in the new episode of American Horror Story. American Horror Story imagines the figure as a liaison between humanity and the aliens Eisenhower has signed a deal with. On October 30th at midnight EST, a 10-14 day period with no communications systems will begin. "A Tribute to Dr. Frank E. Directors Craig Campobasso Starring Declassified FBI document suggests beings from other dimensions have visited earth. Hall, R. "Film 7.7 Disappointment." It looks like you're using an Ad Blocker. Voted best in USA by Worldwide Ratings Organization. A native Californian, Robert Vaux has spent over 20 years as a professional film and television critic: working for such outlets as Collider, and The Sci-Fi Movie Page. Then a tall man stepped out. During this time, he could meet and communicate with various high-ranking individuals to prevent a nuclear war. The book Stranger at the Pentagon by Frank Stranges, in support of Harley Andrew Byrd, gives a UFO account of Thor being a Venusian. Several years ago, before NICAP knew of Stranges' activities, he became a NICAP member. March 02, 2023 (Updated . The Federation of Light, in conjunction with the US military, will take over the television and radio channels and begin ongoing broadcasts to help residents of the US and other countries receive information about these changes. Become Thor, the God of Thunder, in this official action-adventure game based on Marvel's Thor: The Dark World theatrical film! MYSTERIESRUNSOLVED & MRU MEDIA, 2019-2022. 20:20. Phil says his father is in the photo as well. Please pray for Peace, Harmony, goodwill among all people and all life on Earth, prosperity and an abundance of Gods supply of all good things. Famous Venusian thinker and time traveler, Valiant Thor (also known as the "Stranger at the Pentagon"), discusses the best way to contact Space People like himself. Este intrigante personaje baj de su nave y esper a que llegaran las autoridades al lugar. Local emergency services will be asked to prepare to meet the needs of their local community as much as possible. All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. The True Story of Valiant ThorOn March 16, 1957, at 8 o'clock in the morning, a 300 ft long spacecraft landed in a field in Alexandria Virginia.Two local police officers arrived on the scene. The U.F.O. Must be respectful In the opening pages ofStranger at the Pentagon, Dr. Stranges shares a report from Harley Andrew Byrd, a man claiming to have worked in a "high-security position" at the Pentagon that was involved with Project Blue Book, the USAir Force's program to investigate UFOs, According to Dr. Stranges, one night in "mid-March," Byrd's department received a police report about an"alien visitor" that had been picked up in Virginia. Another red flag is that although the TV show Ancient Aliens described Stranges as "A federal marshal and chaplain who had top secret security clearance at the Pentagon", he never worked as a marshal or in any type of government or law enforcement, never worked at the Pentagon, and certainly never had "top security clearance". Written by John Allison. Schneider claimed that he was one of those who managed to survive the shootout with the aliens. After the meeting, the extraterrestrial reportedly spent the evening in an Army receptionist's office at the Pentagon. ) BUY WHY FILES MERCH (Code: LIZZIDPEEPLE for 10% off first order) CHAT WITH US ON DISCORD OFFICIAL WEB SITE: Submit a topic, suggestion or just say hi: Have a product suggestion or want to design artwork for TWF? Even now, the replacements of those people in power have much the same point of view and would reject any similar advice for love, togetherness and peace. Later, he claimed personal friendship with the director, though they had never met, and implied NICAP approval of his contactee reports. Internet, telephone and cell phone service will cease. There he was introduced to Valiant Thor, an alien who had come to Earth to offer us all the technologies we'd ever need, plus to caution us against nuclear weapons. Universal envoy Valiant Thor meets with President Eisenhower in 1957 and is put on VIP status for 3 years. Laatste Versie. Universal envoy Valiant Thor meets with President Eisenhower in 1957 and is put on VIP status for 3 years. Skeptoid Podcast supposedly had one giant lung, blood vessels much bigger than ours, blood similar to an octopus along with a much higher IQ and longer lifespan. Web. Curt Collins & Claude Falkstrom, 8 Dec. 2017. Availability: Worldwide. Cancel at any time: | Due to the major impacts of miscommunication on airlines and other forms of transportation for this extended period, people are encouraged not to travel during this period. * Note by Mr.Ed Valiant Thor is from Venus. At home, he is a member of the Council-12. She describes her role in the disclosure: My piece has to do with exposing an attempted recruitment I went through, to go off planet to a Mars Colony in 2006 and also in revealing the energies and Galactic History of the Great Cosmic and Earth Mother, who is supporting our growth as we heal, activate and transform together into the Crystalline Silicate Matrix. Prvn zmnka o Valiant Thor se objevila v knize Stranger in the Pentagon" od Dr. Franka Strange, kter byla tenm . Aklama Eski versiyonlar Aksiyon. Please help everyone to know that the Divine Plan is unfolding. Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Top 250 TV Shows Most Popular TV Shows Most Popular Video Games Most Popular . For a further look at some of the encoded messages, check out trailers from Shaw's new documentary. Laura Eisenhower is, however, who she claims to be; but is perhaps not the best expert. If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you cansubscribe via the PayPal Subscribe button located on the site. 8 May. Srm. Val can perform thought-transference Either Val or a document from Venus has the power to enable humans to translate the unearthly language The document indicates a plan that would enable the earth to function without war, sickness, or even death, but it was rejected because it would disrupt the American economy Take time to be still and step inside to connect with your higher self and inner guidance. FS: You won't see it, because it's heavy gravel. He stems from a long history of urban legends. But UFOsightings are nothing new. PDF - Valiant Thor. This book contains definitive instructions regarding specific subjects directly related to Universal Law. About us | Our programming | Become a supporter | Privacy. He reveals a piece of the aliens' long promised technology a device deliberately similar to modern phones and mobile devices as well as mitigating the shock and horror of national leadership at the grotesque results of their efforts. Please white-list or disable in your ad-blocking tool. Advertisement. Really, even if it was just a comment at the end of the movie, tell us what happened! At one of these conventions appeared Commander Valiant Thor, who claimed he was the leader of all Venusians on Earth. In the book's postscript, Dr. Stranges delivers an apocalyptic warning based on his interpretation of the Book of Joel, claiming that nuclear weapon use is just one type of disaster that signals the coming end times. Web. Become Thor, the mighty God of Thunder, in this official action-adventure game! You know, if the aliens are here amongst us.. Correction: Various county courts in California have had county law enforcement officers called marshals, but most have since been taken over by county sheriffs. According to Frank Stranges, Thor was given a three year VIP status at the Pentagon, where he conducted numerous meetings with persons of high influence in the United States government.

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valiant thor documentary