the key moral ideal in promotions is quizlet

D.) individuals are justified by working for the benefit of the least advantaged. 6. PROMPT: Is there a difference between seeing and knowing? A.) Labor is alienated in a capitalist economic system (in part) because the labor of a worker stands opposed to the worker as an autonomous power. D.) likeability. This approach to health promotion is synonymous with health education as it aims to increase individuals' knowledge about the causes of health and illness. utilitarianism doesn't require us to sacrifice as much as we should to help other people. B.) Expert Answer. The key moral ideal in promotions is. D.) Human rights rest on particular roles and special relationships. D.) justice forbids any social or economic inequalities. A.) C.) He believed that moral principles rest on empirical data, on observation and experiment. C.) questions of morality form a subset of questions of justice. knowledge, friendship, and aesthetic satisfaction are intrinsically valuable (or inherently good). True The importance of IMC will be . False, Egoists only do what they feel like doing. A.) B.) holdings. unlike most people, Huckleberry Finn lacked a conscience. Which of the following is a correct statement about union activities? puffery. This agency is the Ethical values and practices are the foundation upon which moral actions in professional practice are based. It is only within a capitalist economic system that workers are not alienated from the products of their labor. Ethics means a set of moral principles which govern a person's behavior or how the activity is conducted. False, According to Adam Smith, individuals have natural endowments that should determine the kind of work they do. The ego begins to develop during the first . B.) All for one and one for all. False, Immanuel Kant believed that prostitution was immoral because, by selling their sexual services, prostitutes allow themselves to be treated as only a means to an end. modern corporations no longer utilize a CID structure, Momentum for the corporate organization of business really gained momentum after which war? Moral ideal definition: An ideal is a principle, idea, or standard that seems very good and worth trying to. Most promotions have 2 primary goals: to increase revenue and maximize market exposure. True The belief in ideals is called ethical idealism. Other Quizlet sets. 10 One of these is that Labor historians generally consider the Knights of Labor (K of L), established in 1869, as the first truly national trade union. False, In his essay "Social Responsibility and Economic Efficiency," Kenneth Arrow has argued that ethical behavior in the business world comes only at the expense of economic efficiency. Conscience is a perfectly reliable guide for moral behavior. capitalism no longer exploits workers. The idea that incorporation is a by-product of the people's right to associate, not a gift from the state. Groups of eighteenth century skilled artisans formed secret societies for two basic reasons. The express purpose of a boycott is the same as a striketo hurt the employer and strengthen the union. it values moral purity. A.) Avoiding the prevailing wage in the industry and community wage level. B.) travel abroad. C.) corporate culture can be both explicit and implicit. D.) we have no obligation to promote general welfare, Consequentialism social utility is irrelevant to issues of justice, John Rawls' Theory of Justice lays within which type of tradition? The 1947 Taft-Hartley Act forbids individual states from outlawing union shops. If a company ignores the regulation and burns coal, while others obey the regulation, then the company, The term ecology refers to the science of the. there are no natural, Lockean rights. Which statement is accurate in its description of consumer protection? partial toward friends. B.) The rising affluence of people in the United States has meant a corresponding decrease in pollution and its attendant environmental problems in the United States. Business' responsibility for understanding and providing for consumer needs derives from the fact that citizen-consumers are dependent on business to satisfy their needs. Home; About Us; Contact Us; Specials; Search; Showrooms; Links; Questions or Comments? business-can-handle-it B.) A.) An exclusive focus on short-term performance A.) its conclusion must be true, if its premises are. Rachels criticized moral relativism with the argument that some key moral standards are cross-cultural. stockholders. fairness. there is already sufficiently equal distribution of income. C.) a hypothetical imperative. A.) governments wanted it. C.) Utilitarian's oppose capitalism in principle. positive and negative Drug testing can only be defensible when there is a legitimate interest at stake and that the steps the business is taking to protect that interest are reasonable and morally permissible. increase their manufacturing operations in the U.S. the reasonable consumer standard. In particular, comment on what happens to the level and growth rate of per capita GDP. we can predict with certainty the future consequences of our actions. A basic premise of Adam Smith's is ", The hiring process needs to include screening, testing, and. a gap in the unemployment history The jobs of advertising, promotions, and marketing managers can often be stressful, particularly near deadlines. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples they are formed simply by an agreement entered into among their members. B.) Which of the following accurately reflects the concept of Marxism? D.) equally applied, Unions employ two kinds of boycotts to enforce their demands. Just cause requires that reasons for discipline or discharge related directly to job performance. Describe the contrast between the first part and the second part of "Wretched Catullus, Leave off Playing the Fool." Social contract. 5-Is the job secure. is basically immoral. A.) is for-cause dismissalthe result of employee theft, gross insubordination, release of proprietary information, and so on. Which statement is true about the hiring and employment process? consumers don't want further legal regulation, Which of the following is one of the three arguments in favor of narrow corporate social responsibility discussed in this chapter? B.) Develop strong and transparent promotion tracks. The concept of due care is identical with that of caveat emptor. D.) employers must be careful to "screen" out disabled persons, According to David Ewing, two factors explain the absence of civil liberties and the prevalence of authoritarianism in the workplace. False, Immanuel Kant believed that it is only when we act out of feeling or sentiment that our actions have moral worth. A.) A.) C.) it might permit an unfair distribution of burdens and benefits. B.) Employees are under a legal obligation to act loyally and in good faith and to carry out lawful instructions. d. to equalize their relationship with their employers. in the original position, people must have full and complete knowledge. society-lacks-the-expertise the transcendental imperative. an invisible hand to promote general good. C.) prefer their own production base and not a network of small operators both foreign and domestic. property refers only to physical objects. A.) based on facts and acceptable moral principles. knowledge, friendship, and aesthetic satisfaction are intrinsically valuable (or inherently good). True fairness. A.) According to Jeremy Bentham, the question is not whether animals can feel pain, but whether they can talk and reason. D.) nation, Those with a broader view concerning business obligations believe that with power comes True reason, reflection, deliberation, and fairness As a result of it, the courts a. permitted consumers to sue manufacturers with whom they had no contractual relationships. private property. True False, An individual does not have to follow the code of one's profession. D.) industrial capitalism, According to one survey of cultural values D.) promote open and free competition. We should bring about the most happiness for everyone affected by our actions. As a result of it, the courts none of the above. A.) social utility is irrelevant to issues of justice. their shareholders are entitled to their share of the company's profits as soon as they are ascertained or determined. In association with labor and capital, Mill had contrasting views of D.) Within a capitalist economic system, the activity of labor is an end in itself and, as a result, has intrinsic value. A. rights are certain moral rules, the observance of which is of the utmost importance for the long-run, overall maximization of happiness. handguns In union terms, a direct strike occurs height. C.) they must be publicly registered or in some way officially acknowledged by the law. A.) One of the chief concerns of nepotism is the disregard of managerial responsibilities to the organization and of fairness to other employees. Which of the following is one of those reasons? Explain the importance of each term, person, or place: Napoleon III; Suez Canal; provisional; premier; coalition; Dreyfus affair; libel; Zionism. C.) ethical relativism. mercantile capitalism. B.) D.) rubber stamp the policies and recommendations of the management. Each line, when completed, should have three words similar in meaning. As the term marketing mix suggests, there are four ingredients that marketing revolves around. True government subsidies and protective tariffs. There are . c. more than$100. According to John Rawls, if corporations are moral agents, then this relieves individual human beings of any moral responsibility. C.) in a way that would be universally unacceptable to all rational beings. a higher sense of purpose. Most Americans believe a corporation's top obligation is to its Mercantile capitalism emerged in the United States in the period directly following the civil war. When weighing the decisions to terminate employees, companies need to remember that employment affects families and communities, not just individuals. D.) If wages conform with the law, they are fair wages. Inbreeding refers to longevity on a job or with a firm. D.) must have good cause. Utilitarianism is a nonconsequentialist ethical theory. According to common-law, to legally terminate an employee, an employer D.) hurts stock prices. compliance, contribution, and consequences. the trends of the economy. D.) ambiguous and useless. Me - first A.) A.) B.) B.) Consumer Product Safety Commission. Cost benefit analysis is a device used to determine whether it's worthwhile to incur a particular cost. It is only within a capitalist economic system that workers are not alienated from the products of their labor. most people act rightly only because their religion tells them to, Which of the following characteristics distinguishes moral standards from other sorts of standards? if a product poses a potential, serious threat, a company may need to take extraordinary measures to ensure continued safe use of it. rarely guide his or her conduct in practice. When it comes to obtaining information about employees, a key concept is, According to common law, to legally terminate an employee, an employer, Which of the following is the most plausible FOR affirmative action. By practicing being honest, brave, just, generous, and so on, a person develops an honorable and moral character. a manufacturer need not be negligent to be held liable for a defective product. B.) B.) Violating the law is always immoral. Nozick's libertarian theory proposes 3-What is the community wage level. A.) impartial. Which of the following is one of them? minimize nepotism. Human rights are transferable and thus "alienable". A.) Morality in the broad sense is the set of moral rules you obey. According to David Ewing, two factors explain the absence of civil liberties and the prevalence of authoritarianism in the workplace. Which of these is a valid reasoning for not hiring a potential employee? A.) A.) Economic and Business Statistics week 11+, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka. C.) one group would be supportive of another group benefiting even though the rules are different. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa:, +397021121281 Noleggio auto Cagliari Elmas low cost in Sardegna write the policies and procedures. It is essentially "empty" -- it is simply formal procedure by which to evaluate any action about which . D.) for Americans, only good health is more important than work, According to Marx, the best economic system would be one where the means of production and distribution are in the hands of the bourgeoisie. About us. Which statement is true about the hiring and employment process? Choose the factual precept concerning wages: To build it, you must first identify the profile of the people you want to reach. 0 Answers/Comments. Utilitarians believe that Subliminal advertising is advertising that supposedly communicates at a level beneath our conscious awareness. consumer demand tends to be shaped by the production process. actions that we are morally required to do, all things considered. Which of the following is one of them? Kenneth Arrow discussed two important situations in which profit maximization can be socially inefficient. 4-What is the nature of the job itself. moral standards are purely optional CorrectAnswer: hostilit y. D.) an action can't be right if the people who are made happy by it are outnumbered by the people who are made unhappy by it. our gut instincts. makes it illegal for executives to retaliate against employees who report possible violations of federal law. harm. C.) property acquisition is a duty. O b. loyalty. Revolutionary War Most advertising, promotions, and marketing managers work full time. Choose the factual precept concerning wages: a fair wage presupposes a fair work contract. The puppy scared itself by watching its shadow. liberty. C.) freedom of speech. Primary social goods include A.) Utilitarianism is an egoistic normative theory. C.) displayed a high level of moral worth. What types of information must customers provide to set up online payments at a creditors Web site? Which statement creates the best picture of capitalism? D.) the economy will create new jobs. Based on past experience the shop has estimated the following NPV of purchasing each type: NPVperBunchCostperBunchMax. a sound argument may have a false conclusion. A survey of 200 students is selected randomly on a large university campus. C.) is the view that the best way to promote our own self-interest is to sometimes be selfish. When employees at all occupational levels are asked to rank what is important to them, the order that they put them in is: interesting work; sufficient help, support, and information to accomplish the job; enough authority to carry out the work; and good pay. Before the case of MacPherson v. Buick Motor Car in 1916, injured consumers could recover damages only from the retailer of the defective product. "quid pro quo" and "hostile work environment", Employers have the right to fire an employee who performs inadequately, but the should do so, As they try and fir into work dominated by white men, women, and minorities can be disadvantaged by, Prejudice attitudes, stereotypes, and false preconceptions, Believe women and men should be paid on the same scale for doing equivalent jobs and different jobs involving equivalent skill, effort, and responsibility, Conflicts of interest may exist when employees have financial investments, in suppliers, customers, or distributors with whom their organizations do business, To be successful any test used by a corporation must be, a lack of job satisfaction can create mental health problems, The most plausible argument AGAINST affirmative action, The Sarbanes Oxley Act marked an important advance for several reasons one of which is that it, makes it illegal for executives to retaliate against employees who report possible violations of federal law, U.S. companies have a history of paying off foreign officials for business favors. atheists are likely to be less moral than religious people. )all disabled persons must be hired. A.) employers must make "reasonable accommodations" for disabled workers. C.) social responsibility. People who are exclusively concerned with their own interests tend to have happier and more satisfying lives than those whose desires extend beyond themselves. all people are to be treated the same in every situation. D.) moral standards must be set or validated by some authoritative body, The benefits within moral standards are best seen in which statement? B.) Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Good moral judgments should be logical and A.) The result of the survey is that 70 of the 200 students responded "yes,". C.) the moral compass within each of us. Question. In other words, if you sell high quality products at a good price, then you should expect the best products for your customer. Human rights are not natural but are always grounded in a specific legal or political system. make nearly all crucial parts. When used properly, personality tests can help screen applicants for jobs by indicating areas of adequacy and inadequacy. Social Learning Theory requires ___________ in order for learning to take place. B.) encourages long-term research and development. Inbreeding refers to longevity on a job or with a firm. more power. let-government-do-it. They include product, price, promotion and place. B.) guaranteed the right to work and outlawed union shops. They are asked if they use a laptop in class to take notes. B.) coincide with what most scientifically trained people think. The hiring process needs to include screening, testing, and. property False, The main point of the "Battle Over Bottled Water" is that water is the lifeblood of the earth. Assuming the economy starts in C.) get education. c) employees must try to "undo" their disabilities. Rather than strong work ethic, a more commonly seen role is: D.) he saw it as a threat. B.) The courts and the general public find corporate responsibility Thus ethics in advertising means a set of well defined principles which govern the ways of communication taking place between the seller and the buyer. Prudential reasons are reasons that refer to the interests of others and the demands of morality. If an argument is valid, then B.) C.) effort, duties, and organization. all moral rights are human rights. A.) More on Solidarity. A.) C.) For the hedonistic utilitarian, knowledge, friendship, and aesthetic satisfaction are inherently good. B.) C.) write the policies and procedures. Utilitarians believe that we can't compare one person's happiness with that of another. The key moral ideal in promotions is fairness. Why did president Theodore Roosevelt use the Roosevelt corollary in the Dominican Republic? b) employers must make "reasonable accommodations" for disabled workers. their intuitive knowledge of the natural rights of all human beings. KDija7224. Fair Packaging and Labeling Commission. firms are unwilling or simply refuse to maximize profits. D.) Utilitarians wish to maximize happiness not simply immediately, but in the long run as well. B) financial capitalism. can be distinguished from the person's morality in a broader sense that includes his or her values, ideals, and aspirations. Question 6 Since Congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1994,: a) all disabled persons must be hired. Which of the following is a correct statement about union activities? A.) food C.) fairness, impartiality, duty, and rights These two kinds of boycotts are Expert answered| jeifunk |Points 47718|. B.) freedom of ideas. A.) The superego works to suppress the urges of the id and tries to make the ego behave morally, rather than realistically. compassion, intellect, and patience. The general proposition that a firm has a legitimate interest only in employee behavior that significantly influences work performance applies equally to off-the-job conduct. The key moral ideal in promotions is. Is the speaker's "toughness" in the second part convincing? self-interest. D.) happiness. production of equality. B.) Which of the following is a drawback to the regulatory approach? This character-based approach to morality assumes that we acquire virtue through practice. C.) biased. leisure time activities. D.) employer resistance to unionization. False, Things that are legal are always ethical. The Sarbanes Oxley Act marked an important advance for several reasons, one of which is that it. False, Richard Brandt defends a form of act utilitarianism. \text{Subject Matter} & \text{ } & \text{ }\\ \hline Only workers who are poorly paid for their labor are alienated. C.) poverty. B.) B.) C.) Americans typically value things like their children's education and a satisfactory love life more than work. People generally speak of two kinds of warranties. D.) coincide with what most scientifically trained people think, Which statement is true concerning moral principles and self interests? B.) Big Data has been used impact decisions such as who goes to prison or who gets insurance. C.) is obligated not to discriminate. A.) Which of the following is an accurate statement about modifications to common law from the Wagner Act of 1935? True in a way that treats success as an end in itself, never merely as means. hire and fire people for key management positions. fewer "hollow" corporations. limited and unlimited physical appearance Which statement is true from an ethical perspective? tests of a product can safely assume that the product will be used in just the way that the manufacturer intends it to be used. The proper approach to promote safety is found in the "hidden culture" which is, a culture that is proactively oriented toward safety. destroy the competition. According to act utilitarianism, an action is morally right if and only if D.) groupthink. . the rise of personnel engineering and professional management, According to common law, to legally terminate an employee, an employer. be there just for show. 15. each person's private pursuit of wealth will result in the most beneficial overall organization and distribution of economic resources. is used to refer to the vastness of reach, immediacy, and availability to individuals for interactivity in online communication. B.) C.) fraud. the rise of personnel engineering and professional management Correct Answer: "idols of the mind.". run. D.) corporate culture refers to the cultural activities sponsored by the company for its employees, Which of the following contributed to the more relaxed incorporation procedures of modern times? 100% (2 ratings) The Key Moral Ideal in Promotions is: a) Intelligence: Incorrect as the applica . B.) D.) an action can't be right if the people who are made happy by it are outnumbered by the people who are made unhappy by it, A practical basis for discussing moral issues involves taking account of B.) Virtue ethics is a philosophy developed by Aristotle and other ancient Greeks. it makes the person who does it happy. B.) that individual pursuit of self-interest can sometimes make everyone worse off. A.) C.) although it can't be seen, the hand of government controls the economy and exerts a beneficial pressure that promotes economic welfare. word of mouth. Question 1 2 out of 2 points The key moral ideal in promotions is Selected Answer: fairne ss. . has helped to create a high-pressure environment conducive to fraud. False. Work Schedules. rubber stamp the policies and recommendations of the management. B.) B.) As a result of it, the courts, expanded the liability of manufacturers for injuries caused by defective products. we are all created equal. D.) is derived from alleged fact that human beings are by nature selfish creatures, Consequentialism View the full answer. The Fugger dynasty was an example of The second is Nietzsche's positive ethical philosophy, which focuses primarily on what constitutes health . B.) d) employers must be careful to "screen" out disabled persons. They key moral ideal in promotions is. B.) Me - first involves value judgments and factual uncertainties. companies are not the kind of things that are properly objects of loyalty. What could be symbolized by the yellow wallpaper in the story? B.) farmers' markets profit. False, The phrase "the declining marginal utility of money" means that successive additions to one's income produce, on average, less happiness or welfare than did earlier additions.

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the key moral ideal in promotions is quizlet