msf young avengers counter

Original Uncanny X-Men (with Psylocke) is another team that can easily beat Axmen. They will be unaffected by Blind and their control and damage potential is considerably higher than Death Seeds who are specialized for Raids after all. So, I'm bumping this up because we're in the middle of a war, and right now, we're having issues taking out YA even with Zemo+X-Factor on a punch across. Most of them have additional bonuses just for Offense, but Taskmaster has everything in Warr generally. However, not all players know which members form part of the Weapon X team. I really like when characters in Marvel Strike Force have thematic tie-ins to their mechanics. The MSF Web Bot's Counter command ~c will give you the strategic advantage in every Alliance War. Next to each counter team, you will see a symbol that represents possible Punch Ups. Fake news, already videos of it being done at relative small punch down similar to h4h. You must use Emma instead of Stitcher or Bruiser to grant yourself cleansing, though. Keep Squirrel Girl controlled by Agathas Stun in the first turn and Scarlet Witchs ultimate and focus on Dormammu. Horsemen teams are designed to be meta for specific features. Unlimited X-Men is another logical solution. Baron Zemo will initiate the combat by removing Immunity from enemies before placing Ability Block on either SS or Crystal. Basically, as long as you keep, She-hulk and Brawn stunned, while focusing on Red Hulk, you have nothing to fear. Hero Asgardians are the latest AW Defense team. is your source for honest, easy to follow reviews, guides, walkthroughs, and opinions on top mobile games, including Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, Marvel Strike Force, and more. Spider-Man (Miles) is a utility knife, Speeding Up allies and slowing down enemies giving you trouble. Unlimited X-Men is another natural counter. The only viable counter for the GAMMA team in AW is a mirror match. And, since the Young Avengers team is now broken up, we learned in a recent blog that the Young Avengers are due for a rework of their own. Had the same thought about SG and Doom. To be honest if u went in with infinity watch against young avengers, a team that was literally rebuilt to directly counter infinity watch the devs themselves said that In the blog post, then youre just dumb. It is important to say that an easy answer for Darkhold/Dormhold is Darkhold without Scarlet Witch and with a character who can grant your MLF to play first (Emma/Loki/Cable). Infinity Watch has Immunity on start that will protect them from Slow and they will easily prevail after initial difficulties. Maximized Hullkbuster grants an insane amount of HP to BA, and you cannot eliminate main targets fast enough so you can take control of the battle. Maya Lopez was born deaf, but she has the ability to mimic the movements of others. The problem with this bot is that it draws information from the MSF base and gives you results depending on the winning percentage of teams that were used by players in the game. Use Zombie Special in combination with Hela Ultimate, and do not worry. SA can easily deal with Symbiotes regardless of power and they can easily beat Axemen in Offense (just avoid summoning). It is still early to accurately suggest which teams are justified to be used against Death Seed in WAR. Keep Squirrel Girl controlled by Agathas Stun in the first turn and Scarlet Witchs ultimate and focus on Dormammu. Her family was overjoyed to send Ajei to college in Las Vegas. Note that we are working to add more content around effective Offensive Counters in Alliance Wars and can add infographics from popular sources within the MSF community. Using 4 Symbiotes with Silver Surfer against maximized BO in AW definitely seems like an excellent bargain. It worked better than Infinity Watch for sure. Some teams have the same counters for both Cosmic Crucible and War and the only way to make it easy for you is to duplicate content for those teams. Possible Defensive Teams in rooms 1 and 2 (click on the teams name to scroll to team): Darkhold with MLF passive level 6 can easily deal with Dorm/YA. I show what are in my opinion the 3 best counters here. Unfortunately, there cannot be a significant punch-up here. Scarlet Spider Slows the enemy, applies Defense Down, and prolongs those negative effects. Uncanny X-Men with Magik is another team that is a natural counter to Web Warriors. Unlimited X-Man should be able to win, but I am not 100% sure. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. That fact allows you some punch-ups, but dont be greedy and do not risk unreal matchups. Keep in mind that you can experiment with other characters to counter the Young Avengers to better align with your playstyle. Eternal synergy is the best counter for them. With every new update, this list will be improved and increased. Darkhod / Dormhold is a current META for all game features and not only for Arena. After winning the battle, players will get gold, war credits, and access to exclusive character shards. The best place on Earth for nerds. The third team that I will propose is Symbiotes with Silver Surfer. You should not have any difficulties and you can allow yourself a punch-up of at least 100k. That is probably the most justified solution regardless of the room. Do not hesitate to contact us and help us in our goal to make MSF easily playable for the entire community. Some teams have the same counters for both Cosmic Crucible and War and the only way to make it easy for you is to duplicate content for those teams. When that happens, you can turn on the auto-combat. View Strong and Weak Team Counters with specific Power recommendations. It utilizes Coulsons immunity in AW Defense with Silver Surfers sustain that is boosted by Yo-Yo. The higher your placement is, the better the rewards you will receive. Listen, now that you've seen this, I'll tell you that if you like Nerds on Earth, you should give our email list a try. Counter Command Gives Strong And Weak Counters Against A Target. Squirrel Girl uses her unbeatable squirrel powers to eat nuts and defeat enemies. A huge punch-up is possible. Unlikely some other excellent War teams that have bonuses just in one segment of this mode, this team can be equally lethal in both. Keep in mind that players who unlocked new levels for MLF do not necessarily need Dormammu to beat Dormhold they can do it with full Darkhold. Infinity Watch is an obvious solution for Bionic Avengers. Nerds on Earth exists to highlight the best of a Friendly Local Game Shop (FLGS). Anyway, after you chose your initial target, all DPS should GOP against Dark Beast. On a path to find a cure for her grandmother, Ajei discovered an empty spider web and placed her palm against the web. ADVERTISEMENT Bionic Avengers Infinity Watch Unlimited X-Man Underworld is a new WAR counter for AW META defense. The following table describes each character as follows: Many MSF players want to know what the perfect counter is for the Young Avengers. Which Is The Best Time To Play Online Slots? Especially when they are fighting versus a team not specialized for Defense. Weapon X is considered the most justified counter for the Young Avengers team in MSF, however, you need to have Dark Hunters. If you use Dormhold, a punch-up can be significantly higher, and the strategy is the same. Even her summons will not be a liability since they will help Kestrel to exploit Defense Down on Symbiotes making it impossible for them to heal fast enough. It's easy to default to "the team that beats everything", but in this case you'll have better luck using a different team. It is not even needed to bring anyone else but Hela and ZIM and you can afford ridiculous punch-ups. Having that in mind, it would be a mistake to forget to mention the team who is assembled to be the counter for BO. Underworld and Undying will easily deal with Emarauders. Astonishing X-Men is another pick against New Warriors. With the newRise of the Empire Territory Battle, is once again providing a walkthrough for each Combat and Special Mission. If you have Skirmishers in your team, you can remove Dormammus buffs in the process. And they could be from the future. The new Wakanda team is really strong. Weapon X will beat Bionic Avengers with their own weapon Omega Red will use Ability Block against main Bionic threats making them helpless (especially in AW). clave [dot] jones [at] nerdsonearth [dot] com, jasonsansbury [at] gangsta mail [dot] com, abram [dot] towle [at] nerdsonearth [dot] com. Due to Uxmens self-sustain, you cannot afford a big punch-up, but as long as your Ikaris is capable of flipping their buffs, you are good to go. Even outside of War, unlike many specialized War teams, the Young Avengers save most of their War synergy so beating them in Cosmic Crucible is not an easy task, on contrary. I think they can prevail over initial damage and debuffs from Underworld. At the moment he starts executing ultimate you should pause the game and wait for the battle to pass. A mirror match is always a solution because we play better than AI :). For example, Echos strength is in mimicry. NEW INFOGRAPHIC - War counters! With multiple members being able to bypass/ignore taunt you effectively counter Ms Marvel. Some ravager matchups added, plus Young avengers counters including one you might not expect! He deals debilitating blasts to enemies while buffing his Bionic Avenger allies. Young Avengers form a powerful team. With upcoming changes and New Horseman teams, the list will need an update definitely, so it is best to bookmark it and check when you need help. They cannot be killed easily with Axmens initial burst, and they can fully take out Jubilee and Beast from the battle. People have 10-12 attack teams, and only 1 or 2 of them won't work? Darkhold with MLF passive level 6 can easily deal with Dorm/YA. You will earn rewards by defeating enemies, but this requires a well thought out strategy. Bonafide Scythe enthusiast (the board game, not the farm implement). However, there cannot be any punch-up if you wanna succeed. Dormammus Resistance is insane; therefore, you cannot expect the usual punch-up with Eternals against Hero Asgardians but as long as the odds are not unreal, you should have nothing to worry about. You cannot afford any punch-up whatsoever and you must be careful since Morbiuss initial Blind will not affect Dormammu. He assumes the role of the guardian for his team. In Alliance War, Weapon X is the most justified counter for them if you have Dark Hunters to deal with H4H. Secret Avengers + Kestrel is one of those teams. He channels energy through the Muramasa Blade, which, when charged, delivers a series of powerful strikes, This mutant is armed with adamantium claws that ignore armour, but they also allow him to tear his enemies apart. Moreover, you will benefit from the Kamehameha blast along with unavoidable area-of-effect (AOE) skills from Vision, Hulkbuster, and Deathlok. Web Warriors fulfills those requirements in full. If they are boosted by Dormammu, the only thing you need to do is to add Dormammu to the Underworld. He is a synthetic being that can avoid enemy attacks. With Emma Frost, your Rogue will play first and neutralize an enemy Rogue and her special. With this team, gamers have done punch ups of almost double the normal quantity. The tactic is easy initiate a fight with Abi Block on Squirrel Girl while putting the rest of the Focus on Dormammu. Since my goal is to help MSF players as much as I can, Ive decided to do what you asked and divide content as you asked. Uxmen are the best team for Cosmic Crucible without a doubt and only Infinity Watch has the real answer for them. Unlimited X-Men and Eternals will probably make overkill when facing a Mercenary team, but frankly, with them, you dont have to worry about Mercenary strength because you can afford insane punch-ups. To beat them you must use their duplicate. Neutralizing Dr. Octopus is the main goal in beating Sinister Six. We aren't a high tier war guild (plat 2) but will share this with my alliance. A-Force is probably underrated in my guides, but they are more than capable of annihilating Pym Tech with even a double punch-up. You can win a trial by defeating more rooms than your opponent. She hails from a Utopian parallel, and yet she is here to fight and save the day. Ravagers dont have Ability Block, but TChalla can steal Ability Energy from Doctor Doom, prolonging his ultimate long enough for you to deal with the rest of the enemies. IW also has some always-hitting attacks, and more importantly, they start combat with Safeguard and Immunity. In addition, Green Goblin will prevent them from reviving when needed. Anyway, now that this stupid pop-up is here, I'll tell you that if you like Nerds on Earth, you should give our email list a try. Omega Red will play first which will open several available tactics for you. Eternals and Tangled Web have everything required to avoid being stuck by Absorbing Man. If you prevent them from buffing or you use their buffs against them, you are good to go. It's gotta be, right? And the synergy really begins to build as you level up these toons. If you cant kill Captain America fast enough and he is about to use his special in the second turn, things may become difficult but depending on the team you are using (all suggested counters fit the criteria) you will have plenty of options to slow or control Captain so he cannot use his special ability on time. Usage: ~counter <target team: optional > <power: optional >. So really, its all subjective. Symbiotes with Skirmisher + Silver Surfer, Darkhold (without Scarlet Witch) + Emma/Loki/Cable. Regardless of RNG, you can allow yourself a huge punch-up with BO against Axemen. Those results are accurate, but they can be misleading. The team comprises America Chavez, Echo, Kate Bishop, Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man (Miles), and Squirrel Girl. I had some success against the pre-Kate version of YA with the old pre-Shang-Chi H4H counter - Black Bolt, YoYo, Kestrel, Surfer, and Doom/Emma. It is sufficient to say that Infinity Watch cannot beat them in War to understand that they are extremely strong and dangerous. They said it wasn't close either. Unfortunately, outside of War that will not be possible. Note that many of these counters that are effective in Alliance Wars can also double as counters for Cosmic Crucible in MSF as well. With the shocking She-Hulk: Attorney at Law reveal of Hulk's son, Skaar, the lineup of the long-awaited MCU Young Avengers may be complete. As such, they can be an unsolvable enigma for most teams but obviously, some team combinations deal with them easily. X-Men are logical counters to Brotherhood, but the presence of DD can fully change the outcome. However, many players have wondered what the perfect counter is for the Young Avengers. The names of the teams for which I will suggest counters will be highlighted. In War, Dark Hunters and Weapon X should be used against some more important enemies than WW, but outside of War, those two teams can easily deal with them. It is not the happiest match-up, but they can do it if there is no other solution. Plus, Spider-Man is an iconic Marvel character, and so its nice to be able to play with him and not lament about his weakness. In that case, it would be best to Abi Block Archangel. Weapon X can also easily deal with Deathseed. Their WAR mechanic allows you to challenge literally every team if you are aware of their potential and if you built their ISO-8 properly. Depending on the Eternals setup, there can be a punch-up or not. For more information, please see our Each week we break down one more aspect of the hottest mobile game, Marvel Strike Force! A team that can be used against them in both Cosmic Crucible and War is Eternals + New Warriors. Heck, our Alliance has a lot of trouble even getting past some of the first nodes because of their difficulty. They can fully control the battle by placing Abi Block on Beast and quickly removing Jubilee with Elektras ultimate. If you do this, it is almost guaranteed that you will win the battle. You shouldnt be worried about Psylocke because Trauma will prevent her from transferring debuffs. With the introduction of Hero Asgardians, many players tried to find a way to boost them up by replacing Heimdall. Iron Man Zombie and Hela are powerhouses in the War Offense, so this is a victory for Undying. Its gotta be, right? Join our Discord is you want to join us in nerding out over Marvel Strike Force. Nico Minoru Passive will synergize well with Jesica Jones, which will be one of the keys to the victory. The fact that Captain America will open battle with ultimate instead of his special and that you can easily prevent Captain Carter to make things dangerous makes Rebirth an easy target for most War Offense specialized teams. Most importantly Dormammu will be crippled by Season 2 Global effects. Unlimited X-Men can always beat Sinister Six regardless of power, just by using Rogues special on Dr. Octopus. Putting teams in a box like that makes theory-crafting fly out the window. If you cant you will still win, but with a little more effort. Thank you in advance! For early access to graphics like this, as well as offers on roster reviews and my resource management tool, join our public discord server Outside of Cosmic Crucible, Unlimited X-Men dont have Safeguard at the start of combat which opens a possibility for Ikaris to flip all their initial buffs. They also beat them with Secret avengers + Kestrel and fury, but they said it wasn't as easy as xfactor. They are quite capable of dealing with anything AW Defense has to offer. The natural counter for Eternals is Darkhold. Young Avengers DESTROYED with this Counter | BIG Punch Ups | MSF | Strike Force - YouTube 0:00 / 15:46 #MSF #MARVELSTRIKEFORCE #STRIKEFORCE Young Avengers DESTROYED with this. The Underworld in War Attack > Underworld in War Defense simple as that. DD combined with Brotherhood is an often-defensive setup in AW and CC. Does anyone have some practice reps against them yet? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Inhumans stats are mediocre now, but Yo-Yos presence will significantly increase sustain of your Eternals giving Ikaris enough time to survive and use his ultimate for the second time.

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msf young avengers counter