andrew oberg superintendent

[10] Cycling is also very popular, as the valley provides opportunities to exercise in both flat and inclined terrain, on and off-road. While a capital has not been explicitly declared, the seats of the executive and legislative powers are set in Valladolid by law and for all purposes that city (also the most populated municipality) serves as de facto regional capital. Resultados nacionales por Comunidades autnomas y provincias", "Cifras oficiales de poblacin resultantes de la revisin del Padrn municipal a 1 de enero de 2011", "Ley 7/2013, de 27 de septiembre, de Ordenacin, Servicios y Gobierno del Territorio de la Comunidad de Castilla y Len", "DISPOSICIN EN HTML BOCYL-D-04052015-1| BOLETN OFICIAL DE CASTILLA Y LEN", "La Junta presenta el primer borrador de unidades bsicas de ordenacin del territorio, abierto a aportaciones previas a la propuesta inicial para su tramitacin", "Regional GDP per capita ranged from 30% to 263% of the EU average in 2018", "El paro baj en Castilla y Len un 5% frente a un incremento nacional del 6,5 -", "Encuesta de poblacin activa del cuarto trimestre 2014", "Fichas Municipales - 2008 DATOS ECONMICOS Y SOCIALES", "Ranking 2009 de las 5.000 mayores empresas de Castilla y Len - year = 2010", "El mapa de la electricidad en Espaa: qu comunidades producen ms energa y cules son las mayores consumidoras? The first Castilian count was Fernn Gonzlez. Several rivers of the community pour their waters into the Ebro basin, in Palencia, Burgos and Soria (Jaln river), that of Mio-Sil in Len and Zamora, that of the Tagus in vila and Salamanca (rivers Titar and Alberche and Alagn respectively) and Cantabrian basin in the provinces through which the Cantabrian Mountains extends. Andrew Oberg's Email & Phone Number Superintendent of Schools @ McGuffey School District. It is however sparsely populated, with a population density below 30/km2. During the alpine orogeny, the materials that formed the plateau broke through multiple points. Adjunct Faculty @ Drexel University Chief Executive Officer at Cloudcast Education @ Cloudcast / Google Search over 700 No credit card required. Passenger trains link the city with major population centers in Spain, including Madrid or Barcelona. Finally the Catholic Monarchs incorporated Ponferrada and its castle into the Crown in 1486. The city also hosts a University of Len campus, which offers several undergraduate degrees, and a UNED branch, which provides distance undergraduate education. Up to 5 The main industrial poles of the community are: Valladolid (21,054 workers dedicated to the sector), Burgos (20,217), Aranda de Duero (4,872), Len (4,521), Ponferrada (4,270) and lvega (4,075). There are numerous species and some of them are of special interest because of their uniqueness, such as some endemic species, or because of their scarcity, such as the brown bear. Oberg has also written/produced songs on albums charting @ Nr 2, 3 & Nr 6 on the US Billboard 200 album chart & Nr 1 on US Billboard album sales chart. McGuffey School District Administrative Offices 90 McGuffey Drive Claysville, PA 15323 He had a great research and made the leap to fame with the television series El hombre y la Tierra (TVE). [54] This law allows for the possibility of The scarce orography and the improvement of communications has favored the entry of technical innovations throughout the process of agricultural production, especially in areas such as the province of Valladolid or the province of Burgos where the production per hectare is one of the highest in Spain. The most developed industrial axis is that of Valladolid-Palencia-Burgos-Miranda de Ebro-Aranda de Duero, where there is an important car industry, paper industry, aeronautics and chemistry, and is where most of the industrial activity of the Castilian-Leonese territory is concentrated. The only nuclear plant in Castile and Len on August 1, 2017 was definitively and irrevocably closed. New Ponferrada, Castilla and Leon, Spain jobs added daily. In 1178, Ferdinand II of Len donated the city to the Templar order for protecting the pilgrims on the Way of St. James who passed through El Bierzo in their road to Santiago de Compostela. Despite this, Christian and Muslim kings maintained diplomatic relations. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. Its territory borders on the north with the uniprovincial communities of Asturias and Cantabria, as well as with the Basque Country (Biscay and lava); to the east with the uniprovincial community of La Rioja and with Aragon (province of Zaragoza), to the south with the Community of Madrid, Castile-La Mancha (provinces of Toledo and Guadalajara) and Extremadura (province of Cceres) and to the west with Galicia (provinces of Lugo and Ourense) and Portugal (Bragana District and Guarda District). Superintendent of Schools @ McGuffey School District Senior Consultant @ Nove Education Vice Principal - Faison Elementary @ Pittsburgh Public Schools see more Head of School Georgia Cyber Academy @ K12 Inc. Search over 700 Ponferrada lies in the Way of St. James, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and every year many pilgrims pass through the city in their way to Santiago de Compostela. The end of the Republic, at the beginning of 1874, thwarted the initiative. It is a leading international aeronautical group, with contracts with groups such as Boeing and Airbus, which makes Castile and Len a benchmark in the sector. This is very clearly seen in the Siete Partidas of Alfonso X of Castile, which shows the imperial monism that the king sought. The sky is generally clear during this period with occasional storms. Today, he officially introduces himself to the McGuffey Community. In this way, Castile and Len is the first Spanish autonomous community in installed capacity and the second in production.[47]. While in the middle of the Douro basin there is an annual average of 450 mm, in the western regions of the mountains of Len, the Cantabrian Mountains and the southern area of the Provinces of vila and Salamanca, rainfall reaches 1500mm per year, with a maximum of 3400mm per year in the western part of the Sierra de Gredos, in the Candelario-Bejar Massif, which makes this area the rainiest not only from Spain, but from the Iberian Peninsula. In 2021, it had a population of 63,747.[2]. [49] Traditional hydroelectric power It has been added with force since the late 1990s and 2000 wind power, with more than 100 parks in operation and a production of 5,449 GWh in that same year. Chiefly comprising the northern half of the Inner Plateau, it is surrounded by mountain barriers (the Cantabrian Mountains to the North, the Sistema Central to the South and the Sistema Ibrico to the East) and most of the territory is drained by the Douro River (Spanish: Duero), flowing west toward the Atlantic Ocean. Sabina) that now draw the Castilian-Leonese plain are remnants of the forests that covered these same lands long ago. Ponferrada comes from the Latin Pons Ferrata, Iron Bridge. The leader of the opposition is Luis Tudanca. The first "Las Edades del Hombre" were held in the Church of Santiago Apstol of Alcazarn, with a small exhibition of sacred paintings. 5 free lookups per month. UNESCO recognizes the Cortes of Len of 1188 as the cradle of worldwide parliamentarism. roads financed by the private sector through concessions, as well as the public construction of roads that has long prevailed. The phenomenon is also reflected in the number of municipalities with less than 100 inhabitants, which was multiplied by seven between 1960 and 1986. Finally the province of Segovia was incorporated into Castile and Len along with the other eight provinces and legal coverage was given through the Organic Law 5/1983 for "reasons of national interest", as provided for in article 144 c of the Spanish Constitution for those provinces that have not exercised their right on time. The legal basis for the kingdom was the Roman law, and because of this the kings increasingly wanted more power, like the Roman emperors. )", "Poblacin extranjera por Nacionalidad, comunidades, Sexo y Ao", "Datos sobre el lesmo y lasmo de persona en el habla de la ciudad de Burgos", Universidad Nacional de Educacin a Distancia, "Apuntes sobre el habla de la Merindad de Sotoscueva (Burgos): lxico", "La Junta facilitar diccionarios a los inmigrantes para aprender espaol", "Poblacin superficie y densidad por CCAA y provincias", "Censos de Poblacin y Viviendas 2011. [26], In addition to Spanish (also referred to in the Spanish-speaking world as castellano; transl. The line from Paris to Lisbon crosses the region, reaching the Portuguese frontier at Fuentes de Ooro in Salamanca. 'Castilian'), other languages or linguistic varieties are spoken in small areas of Castile and Len: the Leonese language, that "will be subject to specific protection [] because of its particular value within the Community's linguistic heritage" and Galician language, which, according to the Statute of Autonomy, "will enjoy respect and protection in the places where it is usually used" (fundamentally, in the border areas with Galicia of the comarcas of El Bierzo and Sanabria). On the sunny slopes the sessile oak, the European oak, the ash, the lime tree, the sweet chestnut, the birch and the scots pine (a typical species from the north of the Province of Len). [47] Only in the system Saltos del Duero there are more than 3000 MW installed. The vineyard (56,337 ha) saw the number of hectares cultivated during the last three decades of the 20th century decrease considerably; However, the application of the most modern aging techniques has notably improved the Castilian-Leonese wines, which compete in quality with those of La Rioja and begin to be known outside the Spanish borders. In 2011, it was one of only four autonomous communities that lost population along with Asturias, Galicia and Aragon. Its legal protection is the same as that corresponding to the symbols of the State -whose outrages are classified as crime in article 543 of the Penal Code-. . The last Castilian and Leonese forests of junipers are found in the Provinces of Len, Soria and Burgos. It is possible to visit many wineries in the area to try the local wines and food, or simply visit the vineyards. [25], Spanish is the only official and preponderant language throughout the territory. The lowest recorded records reach -22 C of Burgos, -21.9 C in Coca (Segovia), -20.4 C in vila, -20 C in Salamanca and -19.2 C in Soria. [35], This ordination is still in the implementation phase, and in September 2015 the draft map dividing the autonomous community was presented in 147 rural UBOST and 15 urban UBOST.[36]. [12] The city was appointed to organize it, on 21 September 2011. He holds a PhD in Philosophy, MA in Applied Philosophy, and an MA in Language Education. Castile and Len has a Continental Mediterranean Climate, with long, cold winters, with average temperatures between 3 and 6C in January and short, hot summers (average 19 to 22C), but with the three or four months of summer aridity characteristic of the Mediterranean climate. Thus, small livestock farms tend to disappear, largely due to the effect of rural depopulation and the consequent loss of labor. In pre-Roman times the region was populated by the Astures, a Hispano-Celtic Gallaecian people. There have been counted 418 species of vertebrates, which make up 63% of all vertebrates that live in Spain. The coal thermal produces around 16,956 GWh per year at the following plants: The region stands out for the importance of the production of renewable energy. The climate in Ponferrada is warm-summer Mediterranean (Csb)[5] under the Kppen classification and subtropical with dry summer (Mediterranean) with warm summer and cool winter (Csbk)[6] under the Trewartha classification. Among the forest raptors are the accipiter, the eurasian sparrowhawk or the tawny owl, which frequently attack other smaller birds such as eurasian jay, european green woodpecker, fringilla, great spotted woodpecker and typical warbler. The Gross domestic product (GDP) of the autonomous community was 57.9 billion euros in 2018, accounting for 4.8% of Spanish economic output. They are not very leafy forests that can form mixed communities with evergreen oaks, Portuguese oaks or pines. The phenomena of lesmo and lasmo are considered to be deviations characteristic of the varieties of Spanish spoken in the region, later irradiating to other territories. However, another agreement adopted by the same corporation dated December 3 of the same year revoked the previous one and the process was paralyzed pending the processing of an appeal filed by the provincial council against this last agreement; this change of opinion of the city council of Cullar tipped the scales in the province towards the autonomy with the rest of Castile and Len, but it was an agreement that arrived out of time. The winters are cool and wet, the summers are warm and dry. This is the primitive County of Castile, which would grow into a powerful kingdom among the Christian kingdoms of the Peninsula. These farms are oriented both to the production of meat and to the supply of milk to the cooperatives that channel their subsequent commercialization, since the dairy production of Castile and Len -more than one and a half million liters per year- is the second largest in Spain, only surpassed by Galicia. : March 20, 1991 No. Ponferrada hosts its annual festival (Fiestas de La Encina) during the first week of September with many concerts and activities for adults and especially children, and in July it organises a Templar Night in its Templar Castle (participants dress up and recreate town life during the 14th century). Similar Profiles, Chief Executive Officer at Cloudcast Education @, Educational Consultant @ Online & Blended Learning. In that year, 59 children under the age of one year died. His research centers on issues of the self and being, phenomenology of religion and art, and mind/consciousness. Its baroque tower dates from 1614. Only the Provinces of Burgos, Valladolid and Segovia are gaining population in recent years. Downstream and on its banks between the lush vegetation form their colonies the black-crowned night heron and the grey heron and the goldcrest, the eurasian penduline tit, the eurasian hoopoe and the common kingfisher. The coldest periods of winter are associated with invasions of a continental polar front and strata of marine arctic air, rare is that they do not reach temperatures of the order of -5 to -10 C. [40], The unemployment rate stood at 14.1% in 2017 and was slightly lower than the national average.[41]. Castile and Len is a net producer of electric energy, with a generation/demand ratio in 2021 of 197% (27,016 GWh vs. 13,670 GWh).[45]. T +1 212 269 4900; F +1 212 344 4294; Email. Next to the small livestock units, which proliferate in the regions of pre-eminent agricultural dedication or in the mountain areas, now appears a modern livestock activity, with cattle, pig and sheep farms, of development. The Superintendent's Annual Evaluation was conducted and approved by the McGuffey School Board on June 16, 2022. Also emphasize a great amount of reservoirs, fed by the water coming from the rains and the thaw of the snowy summits. Call. In 1918 the Ponferrada Mining, Iron and Steel Company (Spanish: Minero Siderrgica de Ponferrada (MSP)) was founded to exploit coal deposits in the region, and it grew to become Spain's largest coal mining corporation. In the Montaa Palentina, in the municipality of San Cebrin de Mud, a program of reintroduction of the European bison,[22] animal that had been a thousand years without presence in the Iberian Peninsula, in order to avoid the extinction of the species. andrew oberg superintendent. After the sentence, there were several demonstrations in Len in favor of the Len alone option (see Leonesism), one of them according to some sources brought together a number close to 90000 people,[13] This was the highest concentration held in the city in the Democratic period until the demonstrations rejecting the 2004 Madrid train bombings.[14]. Castile and Len (Spanish: Castilla y Len [kastia i leon] (listen); Leonese: Castiella y Llin [kastjea i io]; Galician: Castela e Len [kastl leo]) is an autonomous community in northwestern Spain. In Castile and Len, the mining activity acquired great importance in the Roman times, when a road was drawn, the Va de la Plata, to transfer the gold extracted in the deposits of Las Mdulas, in the Leonese comarca of El Bierzo, the route started from Asturica Augusta (Astorga) to Emerita Augusta (Mrida) and Hispalis (Seville). Since the 1990s, regional policy has been framed by a series of absolute majorities of the People's Party, which continues to comfortably govern at present. Sign up for a free account. The city hosts a regional museum (El Bierzo Museum), a radio museum (Museum of Radio) and the National Energy Museum, in addition to music and cinema festivals each year. The subsequent arrival of the Arabs was followed by a process known as the Reconquista (Reconquest). The provincial capitals fall in the homonymous cities to their corresponding provinces. Astorga, Burgos, Len, Miranda de Ebro, Palencia, Ponferrada, Medina del Campo and Valladolid are all important railway junctions. The team had played for most of its history in the 2nd Division B and 3rd Division of the Spanish Football League, however in the 200607 season the team was promoted for the first time to the 2nd Division, quite an achievement for a medium-sized city. The philosopher Jos Ortega y Gasset collected this scheme in his publications. At the end of 1931 and beginning of 1932, from Len, Eugenio Merino elaborated a text in which the base of a Castilian-Leonese regionalism was put. No credit card required. The otter and the desman are two mammals with aquatic habits and very good swimmers. andrew oberg superintendentvolkswagen scirocco body kit. And Len (129551 hab.) During the summer, temperatures generally vary between 25 and 32C (77 and 90F) during the day and between 12 and 17C (54 to 63F) at night. The latter are: Valladolid (306830 hab. Ponferrada railway station provides rail services to the city, that are offered by RENFE. The second and third quartering: in a silver field, a rampant lion of purple, lingued, dyed and armed with gules, crowned with gold. In January 2005, the population of Castile and Len was divided, by province, as follows: Province of vila, 168638 inhabitants; Province of Burgos, 365972; Province of Len, 497387; Province of Palencia, 173281; Province of Salamanca, 351326; Province of Segovia, 159322; Province of Soria, 93593; Province of Valladolid, 521661; and Province of Zamora, 197237. It is not uncommon that the temperature exceeds 35C (95F) during heatwaves. Castile and Len (Spanish: Castilla y Len [kastia i leon] (); Leonese: Castiella y Llin [kastjea i io]; Galician: Castela e Len [kastl leo]) is an autonomous community in northwestern Spain.. By provinces, it is at the top Burgos with 46, and a total of 3,128 MW of installed power. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Bachelor of Education (BEd) (Political Science and History) . This agreement is called the Treaty of Tordehumos. The nuclear power is 466 MW, having produced 3,579.85 GWh in 2009. Please follow this link to see his introduction: They were conquered by Emperor Augustus in the Astur-Cantabrian Wars (29-19 BC) and the area quickly became the largest mining center of the Empire during the Roman period, where gold and other metals and minerals were extracted. Castile and Len is the largest autonomous community in Spain in terms of area, covering 94,222km2. For foreign trade, according to the region, vehicles and car chassis are mainly exported in Province of vila, Province of Palencia and Province of Valladolid, tires in Province of Burgos and Province of Valladolid, steel bars and slate manufactures in Len, beef in Province of Salamanca, pigs in Province of Segovia, rubber manufactures in Province of Soria and goat and sheep meat, together with wine, in Province of Zamora. Likewise, in situations of anticyclone, in the interior of the region they cause persistent fogs, creating prolonged cold situations due to radiation processes. [citation needed] Very few years before, in 1869, as part of a manifesto, federal republicans representatives of the 17 provinces of Albacete, vila, Burgos, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Len, Logroo, Madrid, Palencia, Salamanca, Santander, Segovia, Soria, Toledo, Valladolid and Zamora proposed in the so-called Castilian Federal Pact the conformation of an entity formed by two different "states": the state of Old Castile -that is presently built for the current Castilian-Leonese provinces and the provinces of Logroo and Santander-, and the state of New Castile -which conforms to the current provinces of Castile-La Mancha plus the province of Madrid-. This deforestation is mainly due to the hand of the man who, over the centuries, has made forests disappear, giving way to areas of non-arboreal vegetation. The demographic characteristics of the territory show an aging population, with a low birth rate and mortality that approaches the state average. The King did not want to be a primus inter pares, but the source of the law. Ponferrada is also noted for its Castillo de los Templarios, a Templar castle which covers approximately 16,000 square meters. 23 Juin juin 23, 2022. andrew oberg superintendent. In 1960 the urban population meant 20.6% of the total population of Castile and Len; in 1991 this percentage had risen to 42.3% and in 1998 it was approaching 43%, which indicates the progressive state of rural depopulation. The highest production of meat corresponds to that of pigs (241,700 t), followed by bovine (89,400 t) and poultry (66,000 t); in wool production Castile and Len leads the national balance with 7,500 t. Within the section of Protected Geographical indication (I.G.P), highlights Lechazo de Castilla y Len, based in Aranda de Duero. Where the rivers are encased forming sickles and canyons, rock-dwelling birds such as griffon vulture, cinereous vulture, Egyptian vulture, golden eagle or peregrine falcon. 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andrew oberg superintendent